
Practicing what we preach

Why ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certification is important to us and our clients

Earlier this year, we took the decision to apply for ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certifications to demonstrate to our clients, colleagues and associates that we practice what we preach when it comes to data security and high standards. Following a thorough application and assessment process, both globally respected certifications were awarded to Propel Tech in Spring 2023. 

ISO 9001 

ISO 9001 is the international standard for creating Quality Management Systems (QMS) which form the foundation of excellent quality assurance. This covers all of the policies, processes and procedures necessary to provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory needs and improve customer satisfaction. 

ISO 27001

ISO 27001 is a popular and globally recognised information security standard. Implementing the standard helps companies meet the requirements of laws such as the UK and EU GDPR and the NIS (Network and Information Systems) regulations. It also helps reduce the risk of data breaches.


Many corporations are increasingly requesting ISO2700 certifications from suppliers to provide reassurance that security threats and mistakes will be avoided since the framework ensures a company, such as ours, has all the tools in place to strengthen the three pillars of cyber security: people, processes and technology.

This builds on our existing Cyber Essentials Plus certification, which is backed by the UK government and overseen by the National Cyber Security Centre to show we have a good level of security through annual assessments. 

Consistency is key

As our business grows, so does our requirement to implement and enforce consistent, repeatable processes to keep our teams delivering in a uniform way, whilst functioning to the best of their ability. ISO 9001 helps us to identify gaps in our processes, continuously improve our business and allows us to scale - now and in the future. 

The ultimate rubber stamp 

Essentially, both certifications exist to install confidence and make life easier access to the board. Team members have clear frameworks to know they are delivering to an expected standard, our senior leadership team is confident the business is delivering world class procedures and processes, and clients can rest easy knowing our approach has been rubber-stamped by the international organisation for standardisation. 

Speak to Propel Tech 

Our Co-Founder, David Ritchie, is always on-hand to answer any questions or discuss our approach to security and working practices. Email david.ritchie@propeltech.co.uk

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